emcivor exchange


July 20th, 2020

It's been 2 months since I last updated this site.

At the beginning of all this, I'd wanted to go on exchange through EF, but then I discovered YFU which seemed to fit me more, since I have an Aspergers diagnosis and their application form takes things like that into consideration. But when I was about to apply, YFU Sweden had just gone bankrupt due to COVID-19. Applying to YFU Norway instead was the solution they offered, but they never got back to my email. Yesterday I sent my contact information to STS through their website and today I got a text from one of their employees, letting me know I was welcome to call them up and ask any questions I had regarding an American exchange year. So that's what I did! I asked if they had any knowledge on how everything would work out for those applying to go on exchange starting in the fall of 2021, since there's a lot of uncertainty with this whole global pandemic going on. The woman I spoke to said they're not sure, but they're leaning towards it being possible, and if not, applicants would of course be refunded. I also asked if people with Aspergers are allowed to go on exchange with STS, I know some organizations may not be available for neurodivergents. I was informed that it shouldn't be a problem, which had me very relieved! My final question was about scholarships. STS does hand out a few to selected students who fit what they're looking for. The main thing I'm worried about in all of this is the cost. While I'm not 100% broke, I'm also not rich or that well off, so I really need to put my everything into this for it to happen. STS is going to get back to me soon with more information, and hopefully if all is good we can move forward with my application!

Here's to hoping Corona doesn't rule the world next year!


May 7th, 2020

Thought I should post a little bit about myself!

My name is Emily, I'm 16 years old and originally I'm from England. I've lived in Sweden for most of my life. Right now I'm in my first year of art school which is really fun most of the time. My main interests are art and gaming. When I was younger I played saxophone and piano, but playing instruments is no longer something I'm really into.

I have a 13-year old cat whose name is Caesar, he's my best friend and is definitely the one I'll miss most when I go on exchange. I'm also going to miss my human best friend, Tilda. (And my other friends too ofc).

The reason I want to go on an exchange year to America is because I want to experience the American high school life firsthand. I think it'd be great for becoming more independent and outgoing. I also REALLY want to see what homecoming and prom is like since we don't have anything like it in Sweden. Cheerleaders, clubs and sports too. Being accepted into an American host family and having them show me their culture would be so cool I can't even put it into words.

I decided to make this Neocities site instead of using a regular blogging site because I wanted to be able to customize everything to my liking, I think blogs should be personalized as much as possible and show what the person running it is like. So instead of using a template I can do things my own way. Fun fact: I also draw the graphics myself!

First post!

May 6th, 2020

Hello! This is my first blog post on the site. :)

I want to start out by explaining what this website is for. For years I've wanted to go on an exchange year to America, and I'm finally taking the steps to actually apply. This blog is where I'll be documenting my experience!